El I-stop se resetea en el mismo panel del carro o toca por OBD?
Se resetea en el carro sin necesidad de OBD, estos son los pasos:
Debe tener en cuenta que el conector del i-stop debe estar desconectado del negativo de la batería al momento de conectarlo. Cuando la batería esté conectada, esperar 10 segundos y luego reconectar el i-stop. Luego seguir los siguientes pasos:
1. Warm up the engine. Turn everything electrical off that you can - radio, A/C etc so there is no/minimal electrical load.
2. Switch the ignition off.
3. Switch ignition to on but dont start engine. Long-press the i-stop OFF switch for 3 s within 5 s after switching the ignition ON.
4. Start the engine.
5. Press the i-stop OFF switch. Verify that the i-stop indicator light (green) flashes and stays flashing. If it does not flash, go back to Step 3.
6. Allow the engine to idle for 10 minutes, or until the i-stop indicator light (green) turns off. Mine didnt stop flashing so after 10 minutes or so i just went to step 7.
7. Switch the engine off. Wait a minute or two.
8. Start the engine. Go for a drive, and check that the i-stop system operates normally. Those with i-stop will know that you may need to drive a mile or two until it activates. Remember that i-stop will not operate when (a) diesel engines are in regen mode, and (b) in some other conditions - see your manual for details. Also, if a new battery was fitted, it may take some time for the new battery to fully charge up before i-stop will start working. Go for a decent drive so it gets fully charged.
9. If i-stop operates as normal, you have successfully reset it.